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Fillers. With age, our skin becomes more susceptible to wrinkles and sagging. Exposure to sun and years of muscle movement (squinting, chewing, and smiling) contribute to tissue breakdown of the skin.
Injectable facial implants, also known as wrinkle fillers, dermal fillers or facial soft tissue fillers, are medical device implants approved for medical use  to fill in facial wrinkles in order to create a smoother appearance, rejuvenate facial skin reducing or eliminating wrinkles, raising scar depressions, enhancing lips and replacing soft-tissue volume loss.
Most injectable wrinkle fillers have a temporary effect, because over time they are absorbed by the body.. Some wrinkle fillers contain lidocaine, which is intended to decrease pain or discomfort related to the injection.
The materials used in injectable wrinkle fillers include:
Absorbable materials (temporary) Collagen, Hyaluronic acid Calcium hydroxylapatite, Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)  The most popular category of wrinkle fillers is hyaluronic acid. Each type of hyaluronic acid wrinkle filler works in a slightly different way with varying results. The effects of this material last approximately 6 – 12 months.
The absorbable (temporary) injectable wrinkle fillers are approved for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles skin folds, such as nasolabial folds. Nasolabial folds are commonly referred to as "smile lines" or "marionette lines.", enhancing lips or cheekbone….
Some injectable wrinkle fillers are approved for the restoration and/or correction of the signs of facial fat loss.

Before and After

Patients may need more than one injection to get the desirable wrinkle smoothing effect. Successful results will depend on the health of the skin, the skill of the doctor, and type of filler used. The time that the smoothing effect lasts depends on the filler material used.
As in any medical procedure, there are risks involved with the use of injectable wrinkle fillers. That is why it is important for you to understand their limits and possible risks.
Most side effects associated with wrinkle fillers happen shortly after injection and most go away after several days.
Before deciding to have injectable wrinkle fillers, it is recommended that:
You seek a specialist in the field of plastic surgery.
Select a doctor who is trained to perform the wrinkle filler injection procedure. . Having wrinkle filler injected should be considered a
medical procedure, not a cosmetic treatment.
You know the type of product that is being used and all possible side effects.
You have realistic expectations about the benefits you want to achieve. Discuss the amount of wrinkle smoothing effect that you expect and the amount of wrinkle smoothing effect that your doctor expects to be able to achieve based on your situation.

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